
Pierre Filion (Builder) – 

IMG 2027From 1964 - 1979 Pierre coached teams from the Bantam to Senior Lacrosse. He took on the role of Technical Director, and lone staff, for the Québec Lacrosse Federation 1975 and was responsible for administrative, technical, and organizational provincial duties. He also convened Provincial Lacrosse Championships in Québec.

Pierre also served as consultant to 3 professional lacrosse teams in Québec, Montreal Québecois (1974 – 1975), Québec Cariboo (1974 – 1975) and Montreal Express (2001 – 2002). From 1976 – 1986 he was a member of the Canadian Lacrosse Associations’ Executive Committee. Other roles with the CLA included Chair of Women’s Sector (1976-1987) and Chair of Inter-lacrosse Sector (1984 – 1990).

In 1987 he organized the Inter Crosse World Games, an annual non-political competition where players from National Delegations are divided by “luck of the draw” into “non-national” teams for game play. In 1990 he was recognized by Pierre de Coubertin International Fair Play Committee for the creation of the Inter Crosse World Games for his contribution towards cooperation and Peace Through Sports. Between 1982 – 1984 he was the first Canadian to introduce lacrosse in Denmark, France, Belgium, Italy, Cote d'Ivoire, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Mexico, Poland, Netherlands, Hungary and Haiti.

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